Saab Chief Test Pilot embarks on a space odyssey

Saab Chief Test Pilot Marcus Wandt
Photo Credit: Saab

In the early hours of January 19, 2023, Marcus Wandt, Chief Test Pilot at Saab, embarked on an extraordinary journey from the Kennedy Space Center to the International Space Station (ISS).

As a crucial participant in a project co-financed by Saab, his mission becomes a personal accomplishment, and highlights Sweden’s role in advancing space research.

Saab’s Role in Space Exploration

Saab’s involvement in this space mission is not merely a financial contribution; it represents a strategic step towards positioning Sweden as a key player in the ever-evolving landscape of space exploration.

Micael Johansson, President and CEO of Saab, emphasizes the importance of Saab’s focus on innovation and advanced technology, stating, “Space is becoming an increasingly important area for Sweden and our defense capabilities.”

Marcus Wandt’s Research Goals

Onboard the ISS, Marcus Wandt will be conducting important research on weightlessness, shedding light on how humans can adapt to and thrive in the unique conditions beyond Earth.

This research is not just a personal achievement for Wandt but a significant contribution to our understanding of the challenges and possibilities of living and working in space.


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ESA’s Recognition

The journey originally began in the fall of 2022 when Marcus Wandt was selected for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) space program.

Fast forward to the spring of 2023, and it was officially confirmed that Wandt would make history as ESA’s first-ever project astronaut.

Currently on leave from his role as Chief Test Pilot for Gripen at Saab, Wandt’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of space exploration is commendable.

Sweden’s Pride in the Stars

Micael Johansson expresses Saab’s pride in Marcus Wandt’s accomplishments, stating, “We are proud that one of our employees is now the third Swede in space, and we look forward to following his work.”

This sentiment resonates not just within Saab but across Sweden, as the nation takes a significant stride in asserting its position in the global space community.

Saab is a leading defence and security company with an enduring mission, to help nations keep their people and society safe. Headquartered in Sweden, it has major operations all over the world and is part of the domestic defence capability of several nations.

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By Len Varley - Assistant Editor 3 Min Read
3 Min Read
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