IAI’s Boeing 777-300ER Freighter Will Be A Gamechanger

IAI's Boeing 777-300ER Freighter Will Be A Gamechanger
Photo Credit: IAI.

Following the completion of the first flight of IAI’s first Boeing 777-300ERSF Freighter, there is much excitement over the aircraft and its game-changing ability.

The first flight was completed on March 24, with the first unit expected to be delivered to leasing giant AerCap.

Below is a video of the aircraft’s first departure from Tel Aviv:

Video Credit: IAI via Twitter


Following the completion of the first flight of IAI’s first Boeing 777-300ERSF Freighter, there is much excitement over the aircraft and its game-changing ability.

A Gamechanger to the Freighter Market?

Photo Credit: GECAS

This program from IAI for the Boeing 777-300ERSF freighter will be one to watch out for, especially with its game-changing approach to the market.

With the additional capacity offering compared to the standard 777 Freighter that Boeing produces, as well as delays to the 777X program, this could, in fact, occupy a lot of market share.

The standard 777 Freighter’s maximum take-off weight (MTOW) comes in at 347,450, whereas the 777-300ERF offers an MTOW of 351,534kgs, which enables around 25% more volume in cargo.

That is, of course, dependent on whether IAI can secure enough sales to create that much of a dent.

It is also clear who IAI wishes to target in this segment of the market: 747 Freighter operators.

On IAI’s website, they state that the 777-300ERSF will burn 21% less fuel per tonne than the 747-400 freighters.


Photo Credit: IAI

It remains clear in this instance that the Boeing 777-300ERSF from IAI will be a game-changer in the freighter market.

Depending on the timeframe for entry into service, the aircraft could occupy some more orders ahead of the launch of the 777X Freighter in due time.

For now, all eyes are on IAI to see how much further they can take this project and whether this could be the beginning of a changing freighter market.

By James Field - Editor in Chief 3 Min Read
3 Min Read
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