Concorde takes a leisurely trip up the Hudson

Photo Credit: Intrepid Sea Air & Space Museum

Concorde, a supersonic aircraft which was capable of speeds up to Mach 2, has taken what was perhaps its slowest trip ever recorded.  On Wednesday the static display aircraft from New York’s Intrepid Sea Air & Space Museum was removed and carried on a barge trip up the Hudson River.

The iconic jet was carefully removed for the spot it has resided since its retirement in 2003, to undergo a barge journey for what will be a three-month restoration and refurbishment project at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Video Credit: Intrepid Sea Air & Space Museum

Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde 102 registered G-BOAD was formerly of British Airways and is set on a permanent outdoor display in New York City’s Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum at Pier 86 on the West Side of Manhattan.

The Concorde was a supersonic passenger airliner which saw commercial service from 1976 to 2003. It was the fastest commercial aircraft ever built, capable of flying at speeds of up to Mach 2.02 (1,354 mph).

The Concorde was a technological marvel when it was first introduced, and it remains an impressive and timeless sight today.


Photo Credit: Kurkoe, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Touring the Intrepid Museum exhibit

The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City host Concorde G-BOAD as a static display. It was the first Concorde to be retired from service, in 2003. Now on permanent outdoor display at the museum, visitors are able to take a guided tour of the cabin and cockpit.

The tour of G-BOAD begins with a visit to the cockpit. Visitors can learn about the controls and systems of the aircraft, and they can even sit in the pilot’s seat.

The tour then continues to the cabin, where visitors can see the first class and economy class seats. The cabin is still in its original condition, and it is a fascinating glimpse into the past.

Photo Credit: Image by Alfred Hutter, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons

The Concorde on display at the Intrepid Museum is a National Historic Landmark. It is a reminder of a time when commercial aviation was at the forefront of technology. To this day it remains a truly unique aircraft, and it is a fitting tribute to its legacy that it is now on display for all to see.

In addition to the Concorde, the Intrepid Museum also houses a number of other aircraft, including a space shuttle, a submarine, and a World War II aircraft carrier. The museum is a great place to learn about aviation and maritime history, and it is a must-visit for any visitor to New York City.

Tours of the Museum’s display Concorde will resume when the aircraft returns for Spring 2024.

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By Len Varley - Assistant Editor 4 Min Read
4 Min Read
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