Charleston & Hartford Continue to Benefit from Breeze Ops

A Breeze Airways A220 on the taxiway.
Photo Credit: Breeze Airways.

It remains clear that Charleston, South Carolina & Hartford, Connecticut continue to benefit from Breeze Airways’ operations as more flights are operated.

Using data from, we will take a look at the airline’s flight movements in full flow, as well as how the two areas currently benefit.

Without further ado, let’s get into the numbers…

Breeze Airways’ Movements Increase by Triple-Figures…

Charleston & Hartford Continue to Benefit from Breeze Ops
Photo Credit:

From May 30-June 6, the carrier operated 83 flights, based on a seven-day rolling average provided by the flight tracking company.

This represents an increase of 118.42% compared to the same period last year, where 38 flights were operated.

Below is the last four weeks’ worth of data from Breeze Airways, and the differences to last year are clearly visible:

Date2021 Numbers2022 Numbers2023 NumbersPercentage Difference (2023 vs. 2022)
May 2-90 movements27 movements77 movements+185.19%
May 9-160 movements32 movements78 movements+143.75%
May 16-230 movements33 movements93 movements+181.82%
May 23-303 movements31 movements98 movements+216.13%


What we can see from the data is that Breeze Airways has grown rapidly over the space of a 12-month period and that the delivery of new aircraft, as well as the constant flights out of Charleston & Hartford, are contributing to that.

Charleston & Hartford Receive Over 30 Daily Movements on Average from The Airline…

Charleston & Hartford Continue to Benefit from Breeze Ops
Data provided by

What we can see from the image above is that Charleston is the #1 hotbed for Breeze Airways’ operations, with an average daily movement figure of 21.

Hartford, Connecticut, then comes in second with 12, with Richmond, Virginia, third with 10.

Within a 12-month period as well, Breeze Airways has been expanding into high-profile destinations such as New Orleans, Tampa, Orlando, and Las Vegas.

As the carrier continues to grow, this graph will definitely be a competitive one.


Photo Credit: Breeze Airways.

What remains clear is that Charleston & Hartford will continue to be important markets for Breeze Airways going into the future.

However, as the airline continues to grow in exponential size, the graph above will no doubt change and become a bit more competitive.

But to go from 0 weekly flights to nearly 100 in the space of two years does highlight the rapid growth that founder David Neeleman is going for.

Breeze is definitely going to be one to watch going into the future, as will Charleston and Hartford.

By James Field - Editor in Chief 3 Min Read
3 Min Read
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