Business aviation keeps commerce moving during holiday season

Business aviation jets at Scottsdale Airport.
Photo Credit: NBAA

As a record-breaking Thanksgiving travel season takes flight, it’s worthy to shed light on the often-overlooked yet crucial role of business aviation in facilitating seamless commerce.

Whilst the air travel focus naturally tends to fall on the airline sector and large scale commercial carriers, this air transportation sector quietly propels businesses of all sizes, acting as a linchpin during the holidays and throughout the year.

Business Aviation: Connecting the Dots

Especially in regions with scant airline services, business aviation emerges as a vital link, enabling companies to connect with clients and customers.

 Unlike the large hub airports monopolized by airlines, business aviation thrives at community airports, providing an alternative for businesses seeking efficient and customized travel options, steering clear of the holiday rush at major terminals.

A private jet taxis for takeoff.
Photo Credit: Ivan Chumakov via Pexels


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Contrary to common misconceptions, business aviation contributes only around 1% of the traffic at the nation’s largest airports.

More importantly, it has never been a cause of passenger delays, a point underscored by numerous studies. Delays, it turns out, are primarily attributed to weather conditions and the internal workings of the airlines.

Unveiling the Operating Model

Delving into independent research unveils the true essence of business aviation. A majority of companies utilizing business airplanes boast a workforce of fewer than 500 individuals.

The passengers on these flights are typically technical specialists, managers, and other company employees, with a substantial portion of business aviation flights dedicated to humanitarian missions.

Photo Credit: Daniel Shapiro via Pexels

The Ripple Effect

The symbiotic relationship between business aviation and society at large is evident in the positive impact it has on citizens, companies, and communities.

The sector emerges as a cornerstone of the economy, supporting a staggering 1.2 million jobs and injecting a substantial $150 billion into the U.S. economy annually.

The trajectory for business aviation is on a steep ascent, projected to climb steadily into 2024 and beyond. It stands not only as a key player in the nation’s economic landscape but also as a crucial component of the transportation system.

Moreover, it’s a sector that takes the lead in ensuring the safety, security, and sustainability of flight.

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By Len Varley - Assistant Editor 3 Min Read
3 Min Read
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