A RadarBox Deep-dive: A Look Into American Airlines

Photo Credit: Kyle Hayes/AviationSource

LONDON – Using brand new statistics released by RadarBox.com, let’s take a further look into American Airlines as a full-service legacy carrier.

In this piece, we will take a look at the airline’s busiest airports, their most active aircraft type, as well as their overall statistics towards the end of 2022.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

American Airlines’ Busiest Airports…

American Airlines’ busiest airport is Dallas Fort Worth, which comes as no surprise given the fact that their headquarters are there.

Based on average daily movements, they operate around 1,178 movements per day at the time of writing.

Charlotte, North Carolina, comes in second for American Airlines, with 879 daily movements, with Miami coming third with 574 movements.

As the number decreases, you can see that American Airlines are busy in the likes of Chicago, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Washington, and others, as you can see from the image above.

American Airlines Most Active Aircraft Types…

According to the data provided by the flight tracking company, American Airlines’ most active aircraft type is their Boeing 737-800 fleet, which averages around 1,023 flights per day.

As per Planespotters.net, American Airlines has a fleet of 345 737-800 aircraft, 279 of which are active, and 24 are parked at the time of writing.

The A321 comes second, with 736 daily flights on average. American Airlines currently has a fleet of 285 A321s, consisting of 218 ceos and 67 neos.

Finally, their A319s comes third, with around 486 daily flights on average, using a fleet of 133 A319-100 aircraft.

American Airlines Starting Strong in 2023…

American Airlines is expected to have a relatively strong start to 2023, with the airline due to handling 4,403 movements between Jan 1-8.

This is a decrease of 5.29% compared to the same period last year but is a staggering 1,523 movements higher than the same period in 2019, which represents pre-COVID levels.

Below is the last five weeks’ worth of data from the carrier, which shows how they performed in the last month of 2022:

Date2019 Numbers2021 Numbers2022 NumbersPercentage Difference (2022 vs. 2021)
November 26-December 33272 movements5164 movements4464 movements-13.56%
December 3-103144 movements5046 movements4412 movements-12.56%
December 10-173293 movements4960 movements4446 movements-10.36%
December 17-243249 movements4836 movements4078 movements-15.67%
December 25-January 1, 20233029 movements3321 movements4276 movements+28.76%

What we can see from the last five weeks’ worth of data above is that American Airlines has been able to reduce its decreased percentages compared to 2021 from double digits to single digits.

Also, the airline performed better than expected over the Christmas period as well, which is not surprising due to the uptick in VFR travel.

Because American Airlines is chasing only a 5% decrease for this week’s numbers, this means that compared to 2021’s numbers, they can begin to exceed this soon.


Photo Credit: Karam Sodhi/AviationSource

Looking at American Airlines, it is clear that the airline is starting out the New Year very well, especially with smaller percentage decreases to chase.

On top of this, it’s also interesting to see what aircraft contribute the most to their overall movements across their fleet.

All eyes will now be on the carrier to see how they perform in the first quarter of this year.

By James Field - Editor in Chief 4 Min Read
4 Min Read
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