London Gatwick’s New Growth Plans

Photo Credit: London Gatwick Airport

On July 6, it has been revealed by London Gatwick Airport, their growth plans to bring the Northern Runway into routine.

This article will cover the details surrounding London Gatwick Airport’s new growth plans to bring its Northern Runway into operation.

London Gatwick’s Northern Runway Plan

Lond Gatwick has this week submitted its planning application known as a Development Consent Order (DCO) to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for the region to bring its existing Northern Runway into operation.

78% of the airports’ local residents are in support of their plans of bringing the Northern Runway into operation as this will bring in many more jobs for the area as well as boost the economy by £1 billion per year alongside 14,000 new jobs.

At present the Northern Runway is used as a taxiway for landing/departing aircraft that are heading to the Southern Runway (08R/26L).

Opening the Northern Runway (08L/26R) will not only bring in new jobs and boost the economy but should also assist with increasing the capacity of the airport and improve on-time records for its carriers.

Executive Comments

Gatwick Airport Chief Executive Officer, Stewart Wingate, says, “The Northern Runway plan will help secure the long-term future of the airport and economic prosperity for thousands of families, businesses, and future generations across the region.”

“If approved, our plan will also improve airport resilience, meet future passenger demand, and increase competition in the London airport market, by providing vital new international connections to support ‘Global Britain’.”

“The consultation and engagement activity over the past two years has been hugely valuable in shaping our plans to ensure they best meet the needs and requirements of local people, as well as our airlines, passengers and other stakeholders. We are confident that our plans are both economically and environmentally robust.”

By Jamie Clarke 2 Min Read
2 Min Read
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