Brussels Airport Handles 1.5m Passengers in February

Brussels Airport Handles 1.5m Passengers in February
Photo Credit: Brussels Airport.

Brussels Airport has this week announced the handling of 1.5m passengers last month, as growth continues.

The airport has been performing strongly well so far in 2024, with this expected to continue into the Summer.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

The Numbers from Brussels Airport…

Brussels Airport Handles 1.5m Passengers in February
Photo Credit: Brussels Airport.

Brussels Airport handled 1,553,477 passengers in February 2024, which is 14% higher than the same period last year.

Despite this, they did note that the suspension of flights to Tel Aviv did have a negative impact on their numbers.

On top of this, strikes from Lufthansa and Brussels Airlines also added to negatives, despite good figures.

Such passenger numbers also meant an increase in flight numbers by 10% to 13,888 movements.

In a statement, Brussels Airport said the following on this:

“In February, Brussels Airport welcomed 1,553,477 passengers, an increase of 14% compared to February 2023.”

“The start of the French Carnival holidays at the end of the month meant that more passengers departed than arrived.”

“The suspension of flights to Tel Aviv last October continues to have a negative impact on passenger numbers.”

“Negative impact of the strike at Brussels Airlines and at Lufthansa.”

The proportion of departing transfer passengers was 15%, a slight increase due to the reduction in the number of transfer passengers in Europe compared with the increase in the number of intercontinental passengers.”

“The top 10 destination countries in February were respectively Spain, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, Switzerland, the United States, France, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.”

Air freight volume at Brussels Airport also rose by around four per cent, amounting to 48,912 tonnes.

On this, the airport said:

“The main import regions are Asia (which recorded a sizeable increase of 101% compared to February 2023), Africa (+17%) and North America (-10%).”

“The main export region is also Asia (-31%), followed by North America (-20%) and Africa (-3%). “

Heading into the Summer…

Brussels Airport Handles 1.5m Passengers in February
Photo Credit: Brussels Airport.

Despite external pressures affecting their numbers, Brussels Airport is not far away from the Summer season.

This is where the bulk of the yearly passenger numbers will go, with growth expected moving forward.

Furthermore, once strike action is over, and flights to Tel Aviv are resumed, we will no doubt see a strong uptick.

But either way, Brussels Airport is in a very good position at the moment.


Photo Credit: Brussels Airport.

In conclusion, Brussels Airport is performing well, and have been able to adjust to external pressures.

Looking ahead, the Summer 2024 season is expected to provide some significant growth in the context of passenger numbers.

Furthermore, there will no doubt be increased flights and new routes that they can take advantage of in that field.

But for now, let’s see how the rest of their 2024 performs.

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By James Field - Editor in Chief 4 Min Read
4 Min Read
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