The Most Unique A380 Route: Tokyo to Honolulu with ANA

The Most Unique A380 Route: Tokyo to Honolulu with ANA
Perry Hoppe (GFDL 1.2 or GFDL 1.2 ), via Wikimedia Commons

The Airbus A380’s route network portfolio is vast. But the most unique route is ANA’s Tokyo to Honolulu service. Why?: The amazing aircraft liveries.

Offering flight numbers NH181/182, this route is a unique one because of the environment the aircraft operates in as well: Nothing but water for the most part.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

The ANA Airbus A380: Dedicated to the Tokyo-Honolulu Route…

The Most Unique A380 Route: Tokyo to Honolulu with ANA
Masakatsu Ukon, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The NH181/182 service from ANA alternates between the carrier’s Boeing 777-300ER and the Airbus A380 in its epic liveries.

Last week, the scheduling changed over whereby the A380 operates services between Tokyo and Honolulu, featuring a second daily service to cater to Summer demand.

As per, ANA has three Airbus A380s that are dedicated to just this one route alone:

  • JA381A – Delivered March 2019.
  • JA382A – Delivered May 2019.
  • JA383A – Delivered October 2020.


At the time of writing, two of the three units, being JA381A and JA382A, are in operation, with JA383A currently parked in Tokyo.

JA383A is currently in the process of being reactivated, with no time frame confirmed for this as of yet.

The Three Aircraft in Three Special Liveries…

Each Airbus A380 from ANA that operates these services to Honolulu is painted in three special themed “Flying Honu” color schemes. They are as follows:

The Most Unique A380 Route: Tokyo to Honolulu with ANA
Photo Credit: Airbus.

JA381A was the first Airbus A380 delivered to ANA, and the blue color scheme represents “Lani”, which is the Hawaiian term for “Sky”.

The Most Unique A380 Route: Tokyo to Honolulu with ANA
Photo Credit: Kuroc622, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

JA382A is the second A380 of the three, which features an Emerald Green color scheme that represents “Kai”, which means “Ocean” in Hawaii and its capital, Honolulu.

Perry Hoppe (GFDL 1.2 or GFDL 1.2, via Wikimedia Commons

Finally, we have JA383A, the last of the three aircraft to be delivered to ANA for the dedicated Tokyo-Honolulu operations.

The orange color scheme represents “Ka La”, which means “Sunset” in Hawaiian. This is the aircraft that is yet to be reactivated by the airline.

Overall: A Stunning Set of Aircraft…

The Most Unique A380 Route: Tokyo to Honolulu with ANA
Photo Credit: Kuroc622, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Overall, it remains clear that these Airbus A380s are the most unique out of the ones that have been built.

Competitors to ANA who operate these aircraft have tried out special liveries, such as Emirates with its famous all-blue Expo livery, but for the iniquities, the Japanese carrier steals the top spot.

What also remains clear is that these A380s flying the Tokyo-Honolulu route are the most unique as well, and is definitely up there with the different plethora of routes that the aircraft type within all carriers that run the aircraft operate it.

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By James Field - Editor in Chief 4 Min Read
4 Min Read
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