Pratt & Whitney to Compensate IndiGo for Engine Problems

An IndiGo Airbus A320 on the taxiway
Photo Credit: Md Shaifuzzaman Ayon/AviationSource

IndiGo, India’s largest airline, has secured compensation from Pratt & Whitney (P&W) for engine issues that grounded a significant number of its aircraft.

This agreement, now finalized in June 2024, comes after months of disruption caused by engine problems.

The compensation stems from powder metal problems in a Pratt & Whitney engine component.

P&W Compensation

The Indian airline experienced a string of aircraft grounding issues relating to the engine and related supply chain problems from early 2023.

As a precautionary measure, IndiGo had been forced to ground a significant portion of its fleet equipped with these engines.

While the exact amount of the recent compensation agreement remains undisclosed, IndiGo expects it to be delivered in installments.

This financial settlement aims to reimburse the airline for the costs incurred due to grounded aircraft.

These costs can be substantial, including lost revenue from canceled flights, increased maintenance expenses, and potential lease payments for replacement aircraft.

Konstantin von Wedelstaedt (GFDL 1.2 or GFDL 1.2 ), via Wikimedia Commons

Engine Troubles Disrupt IndiGo Operations

The Pratt & Whitney engine issues have impacted IndiGo’s operations for some time. Taken overall, reports suggest that over 70 IndiGo aircraft were grounded due to various engine problems.

This grounding significantly affected IndiGo’s capacity and potentially resulted in flight cancellations and delays.

Despite these challenges, IndiGo has managed to maintain a strong financial performance. The company reported a profit increase in the March quarter of 2024, demonstrating its resilience in a difficult market.

IndiGo A320

Looking Ahead: Relief for IndiGo

The compensation agreement with Pratt & Whitney serves as a positive development for the major Indian carrier. The financial reimbursement will help offset the economic losses incurred due to grounded aircraft.

Additionally, this agreement formalizes Pratt & Whitney’s acknowledgement of the problems caused by their engines and their commitment to making amends.

However, the grounding of aircraft due to engine issues highlights the importance of a reliable supply chain for airlines.

IndiGo is currently working on mitigating these risks by exploring alternative engine options and implementing strategic measures to minimize future disruptions.

An IndiGo aircraft parked at Bengaluru Airport.
Photo Credit: Gaurav Gowda/AviationSource

IndiGo’s Strategic Response

In response to the engine issues, IndiGo has undertaken several proactive measures. The airline remains actively engaged with Pratt & Whitney to ensure a swift resolution to the problems and prevent similar situations in the future.

Additionally, IndiGo has explored the possibility of leasing aircraft equipped with different engines to diversify its fleet and reduce reliance on a single supplier.

IndiGo is also confident in its ability to maintain its growth trajectory despite the recent challenges.

The airline’s management has expressed confidence in meeting its capacity goals for the financial year 2024. This confidence was upheld even with the prospect of aircraft groundings.


The compensation agreement between Pratt & Whitney and IndiGo marks a significant development in the ongoing saga of engine-related groundings.

While the financial details remain undisclosed, this agreement signifies a step towards resolving the issue and ensuring continued smooth operations for IndiGo.

As the airline implements strategic measures to mitigate future risks, it appears well-positioned to navigate these challenges and maintain its position as India’s leading carrier.

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By Len Varley - Assistant Editor 4 Min Read
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