Air New Zealand to run survey on passenger weight

An Air New Zealand aircraft at Auckland Airport
Photo Credit: Air New Zealand

Air New Zealand will be asking its international passengers to step on the scales for a weight survey at Auckland airport shortly.

The purpose of the voluntary exercise is to collect data on the average weight of passengers and their carry-on luggage. The survey is being conducted at Auckland International Airport and will run for five weeks.

Voluntary weight survey

Passengers who are willing to participate in the survey will be asked to step on a scale and have their carry-on luggage weighed. The plan is to conduct the survey across approximately 10,000 volunteers in the next five weeks.

The exercise forms part of a requirement by the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The CAA requires airlines to conduct a weight survey every five years. The data collected from the survey is used to help the CAA develop safety regulations for airlines.

The data will be used to help Air New Zealand calculate the weight of everything that goes onboard a flight, including passengers, crew, and luggage. This information is used to ensure that flights are properly balanced and safe.

The survey is voluntary and passengers who do not want to participate can opt out. Air New Zealand has assured that the survey is not a way to target overweight passengers or charge them more for their flights. The airline has also said that the data collected will be kept confidential.


Some people have expressed concerns about the privacy implications of the survey. However, Air New Zealand has said that the data will be kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose than to calculate the average weight of passengers and their carry-on luggage.

First NZ airline to conduct survey

Air New Zealand is the first airline in New Zealand to conduct a weight survey. The airline has said that it is committed to safety and that the survey is a necessary part of ensuring that flights are properly balanced and safe.

The weight of passengers and their luggage can have a significant impact on flight safety. An aircraft’s centre of balance must be within a certain range for the aircraft to fly safely.

The weight of passengers and their luggage can also affect an aircraft’s takeoff and landing performance, and similarly calculations are made to ensure aircraft weights are in a tolerance range for both takeoff and landing.

Privacy assurances

Some people have expressed concerns about the privacy implications of the survey. However, Air New Zealand has said that the data will be kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose than to calculate the average weight of passengers and their carry-on luggage.

The data collected from the survey will be used to help Air New Zealand calculate the weight of everything that goes onboard a flight, including passengers, crew, and luggage.

This information is simply used to ensure that ongoing flight operations are being carried out in a manner that ensures the safety of scheduled air services.

By Len Varley - Assistant Editor 4 Min Read
4 Min Read
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