Air Canada and Chorus Aviation comment of regional bridging agreement

An Air Canada Express aircraft at takeoff.
Photo Credit: CNW Group/Air Canada

Air Canada and Chorus Aviation Inc., parent company of Jazz Aviation, have provided comment on Air Canada’s arrangement for additional flying capacity with PAL Airlines for up to six De Havilland Canada DHC-8 aircraft. 

“Jazz is our long-term Air Canada Express partner, and we are working together to increase flying activity within the framework of our existing CPA given the current, industry wide pilot situation.”

“As these efforts continue, and to help meet the needs and expectations of the travelling public, Air Canada has entered into a bridging arrangement with another airline to provide additional regional capacity on select routes in eastern Canada,” said Mr. Michael Rousseau, President and Chief Executive Officer of Air Canada.

“Chorus understands that Air Canada is increasing capacity to meet travel demand and that the addition of these aircraft is a bridging solution. We confirm that this agreement does not impact Chorus financially,” said Mr. Colin Copp, President and Chief Executive Officer of Chorus

The PAL Airlines agreement

Air Canada announced on May 30, 2023 that it had entered into a bridging agreement with PAL Airlines to provide additional capacity on select routes in eastern Canada.

The agreement will see PAL acquire up to six additional Dash 8-400 aircraft, which will be operated on behalf of the national flag carrier under the Air Canada Express brand. The aircraft are expected to be delivered by the end of 2023.

The agreement is part of the airline’s efforts to meet growing demand for air travel in eastern Canada. The airline said that the additional capacity will allow it to offer more flights and seats on popular routes, such as Toronto-Halifax, Montreal-Saint John, and Ottawa-Charlottetown.


The agreement is not expected to have a material impact on the national airline’s financial results, and according to their latest statement the agreement will not impact Chorus Aviation financially.

Here are some key details about the agreement:

  • The agreement is for a period of two years.
  • PAL will acquire the aircraft from Bombardier.
  • The aircraft will be configured with 76 seats in a single-class configuration.
  • The aircraft will be operated under the Air Canada Express brand.
  • The first aircraft is expected to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023.

The agreement is seen as a positive development for Air Canada and PAL Airlines. It will allow Air Canada to meet growing demand for air travel in eastern Canada, while PAL Airlines will gain access to new markets and customers.

About Chorus Aviation Inc.

Chorus is a global aviation solutions provider and asset manager, focused on regional aviation. Its principal subsidiaries are:

Falko Regional Aircraft, the leading pure play regional aircraft asset manager and lessor, managing investments on behalf of third-party fund investors;

Jazz Aviation, currently the largest regional operator in Canada;

Voyageur Aviation, a leading provider of specialty charter, aircraft modifications, parts provisioning and in-service support services; and

Cygnet Aviation Academy, an industry leading accredited training academy preparing pilots for direct entry into airlines.

Together, Chorus’ subsidiaries provide services that encompass every stage of a regional aircraft’s lifecycle, including:

Aircraft acquisition and leasing; aircraft refurbishment, engineering, modification, repurposing and transition; contract flying; aircraft and component maintenance, disassembly, and parts provisioning; and pilot training.

By Len Varley - Assistant Editor 4 Min Read
4 Min Read
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