Palma de Mallorca Airport Flooded After Heavy Rainfall

Aircraft on flooded tarmac of Palma De Mallorca Airport
Photo via X

Palma de Mallorca Airport (PMI) was forced to close temporarily on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, due to flooding caused by heavy rain.

The downpour overwhelmed the airport’s drainage systems, leading to water inundating parts of the terminal building and affecting the runway.

The airport is a major travel hub for the Balearic Islands in Spain, and the closure caused inbound and outbound flight disruptions.

Flights Grounded Amid Heavy Rainfall

A weather station at the airport recorded a rainfall of almost 2 inches (5 cm) per hour, which peaked at up to 3.5 inches (9cm) per hour.

The heavy flooding caused significant disruption to air travel, with flights unable to take off or land. Airport authorities activated their emergency plan and diverted incoming flights to nearby airports.

Video via x.

Video footage surfacing online shows airport workers wading and diving into the standing water on the airport apron areas.

Numerous inbound flights were diverted due to the conditions from Palma de Mallorca to Ibiza, Menorca and Barcelona.

Water inundation was also experienced in the terminal building. The airport operator Aena issued a statement on the disruptions:

“Palma de Mallorca Airport has temporarily paralysed operations. This is due to the impact of a strong storm, due to the impossibility of operating safely.”

Passengers who were scheduled to fly into or out of Palma de Mallorca were advised to check with their airlines for the latest information regarding their flights.

Jets parked at Mallorca Palma Airport, Spain.
A.Savin, FAL, via Wikimedia Commons

PMI Reopening

The storm passed relatively quickly, and airport staff then worked to clear the floodwater and restore operations.

Palma de Mallorca Airport reopened later on Tuesday evening, with diverted flights then landing progressively.

Travel Disruptions Likely to Continue

While the airport itself is functional again, passengers can still expect some lingering effects from the Palma De Mallorca flooding.

Flight schedules may be disrupted as airlines work to accommodate grounded flights and rebook passengers.

It is advisable for those traveling through PMI Airport in the coming days to check their flight status with their airline before heading to the airport.

Palma de Mallorca Airport (PMI) serves as the third busiest airport in Spain, welcoming over 30 million passengers annually.

During peak summer months, PMI Airport even rivals the traffic of London Heathrow, Europe’s busiest airport.

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By Len Varley - Assistant Editor 3 Min Read
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